World's Most Dangerous Websites

World’s Most Dangerous Websites: No 7 Will Shock You

How To

Last Updated on May 1, 2024 by Daniel Osakwe

In the pursuit of new and thrilling information, there are bound to be some risks. However, some websites will go out of their way to present rogue or dangerous information—either out of ignorance or mischief. With this list we aim to bring you a collection of the world’s most dangerous websites. Whether this was your intention when setting up your website or if it is just a happy accident is not something we will judge here; what we will do is list 10 of the most daring websites out there and tell you why they’re dangerous.

Are These Websites Really That Dangerous?

Although these websites and apps are not particularly dangerous, they can be used inappropriately and by persons with bad intentions.

Your teenagers’ devices may be breached, allowing for the theft of private information. It is possible to bully, stalk, harass, or impersonate your teenagers using these stolen details.

Amanda Michelle Todd, a student from Canada who committed suicide after being the target of violence and cyberbullying, is a well-known case. Her attacker physically assaulted her after intimidating her into showing her breast on a webcam. She died by suicide on October 10, 2012.

The 10 World’s Most Dangerous Websites

There are many websites that are both attractive and dangerous. Some of the most hazardous of these are listed here.


1. Annalise Michel’s 67 exorcisms on

The most perilous, terrifying, and upsetting items on the internet are the rare, unedited recordings of Annalise Michel’s exorcisms. These recordings can be found on the website. You will get the opportunity to hear the women’s spine-tingling screams during the exorcism. There are roughly 67 of these recordings, some of which last for an hour.