Practical Internet of Things Hacking Course Review

Practical Internet of Things Hacking Course Review

It & Software

Last Updated on May 1, 2024 by Daniel Osakwe

Do you want to learn ethical hacking? Do you want to have basic knowledge of all devices, networks, including the internet of things? All these and more you’ll learn when you enroll in this course. The core element of Ethical Hacking is the ability to understand all of the devices on a network, including the Internet of Things (IoT).

This course, Ethical Hacking: Hacking the Internet of Things (IoT), gives you an in-depth look at how connected devices work and how you can protect your infrastructure from attacks. You will first learn about IoT devices’ different communication technologies, as well as how they are integrated into various architectures and protocols. In addition, you will learn about how to choose a manufacturer who also helps you to protect your network against threats created by IoT devices if managed properly. 

Finally, you will learn what tools can be used against you, and what countermeasures can be implemented to better protect your resources. As a result of this course, you will have a great understanding of IoT devices and how they might potentially open new attack vectors, as well as the knowledge that will help you as an ethical hacking professional in the future

Practical Internet of Things Hacking Course: Benefits

iot course

With great power comes great vulnerability. IoT devices, regardless of their size or form factor, require an operating environment. This is called firmware in embedded systems in the IoT world.

Why is it so important? How do we hack it and how does it affect you at home, at work, and in your career? The IoT Firmware Exploitation mini-course is a first of its kind that takes you on an adventure of extracting, reversing, and exploiting their Firmware. Security enthusiasts, penetration testers, and network administrators will find this course useful.

Other benefits or what you’ll learn from this course are;

  • An introduction to the Internet of Things
  • Threat vectors associated with the Internet of Things
  • How to set up a pentesting environment
  • The process of reverse engineering IoT devices
  • Finding vulnerabilities in IoT device firmware
  • The process hackers use to backdoor IoT devices to spy on their users
  • Using a virtual emulator to emulate IoT firmware

Practical Internet of Things Hacking Course: Reviews

Despite being very comprehensive, the course was understandable. It was a great course! Thanks a lot! (Anonymous)

Hacking the Internet of Things is a great introduction. I highly recommend it. (Anonymous)

For a deeper understanding of IoT hacking, I recommend taking this course. (Anonymous)

Why take this course

The Internet is accessible from almost every device these days. As a result of the Internet of Things, supply chains will be more efficient, downtime for maintenance will be decreased, and conveniences for consumers will increase. It’s a lot of power being given to these little guys.

To register for this course, click on the button below.